Support This Blog!


I’ve kept this blog since 2011, and have never run ads or asked for support of any kind. I’ve been genuinely grateful just to connect with folks. But there are associated costs, and I have been laid off because of the pandemic. Today, I’m asking, if you’ve gotten joy out of this work, please contribute something. I know some can’t or just won’t and that’s okay. But if you wanna … it would be appreciated. Paypal me at or Venmo at Gary-Chapin-7. Or head over to bandcamp and download my CD. As I said, any help is appreciated. Thanks. Gary

About this blog:

I go through phases of writing a lot and then not writing much. Right now, I’m in the middle of the lengthy and obsessive Bal Folk Tune Book Project. The posts written over the years seem to stand up pretty well. From tributes to heroes of mine (e.g., Yann-Fanch Perroches and Daniel Thonon), or an interview with Frédéric Paris or Andy Cutting. I take deep dives into specific tunes (e.g., On d’onoren Garda and Le Cotillon Vert). On the menu bar are links to a bunch of things: interviews, a great tune book, my own CD, and a story about my trip to Alsace.

What I’m saying is that there’s a lot of cool stuff here that I had a lot of fun writing — all of it about French and Breton button accordion (and related environs). I invite you to explore the 300 or so posts that are here.

