Monday in Estonia

Going far afield for this one, Ida Furusæter playing at a 2010 Estonian Lõõtspillifestivalil festival. I’ve watched this one dozens of times and keep coming back to it. Check out her left hand. Pretty sure her basses are unisonoric. It is to die for. This one is dedicated to friend, Edda Thiele!

The Belgians Are Here

Not to say Didier Laloy, Wim Claeys, Bruno LeTron, and Frédéric Malempré are Belgian — maybe they are, maybe they aren’t — but this musical movement, with the Handry 18 Castagnaries surrounding you, coming right at you … (the grillwork! the grillwork!) … feels Belgian. En Flanders, as Frédéric Paris might say. So, this is Tref! Enjoy!

Didier Laloy Lundi

Didier Laloy is one of the great “Belgian-Handry-18” players — along with Francois Heim and Bruno LeTron — playing with a sensitivity that can be striking. He’s also a wildly and theatrically physical player, though you won’t see that in this piece. Enjoy.

Le Bon Truc Trio Rehearsal Audio

The other Le Bon Truc Trio!

Quite the week for music and the squeezy stuff. Three rehearsals in the space of seven days, preparing for three different gigs. The quintet Nouveau Chapeau is preparing for NEFFA, as mentioned in a previous post. The Le Bon Truc Trio (with Steve on clarinet), is preparing for the Downeast Country Dance Festival (called DEFFA, but the acronym doesn’t quite seem to work). The other Le Bon Truc Trio (with Joelle Morris singing) is preparing for a performance at a French immersion school here in Maine.

L’Autre Bon Truc Trio: Rehearsal Compilation

Because I take a phenomenological approach to the box — as should we all — I enjoy sharing my process warts and all. Barbara Truax (Le Bon Truc plectrist and percussionismo) recorded our rehearsal this Saturday. It’s embedded above, and you can hear us — having not played for a year — finding our way back into collaboration. It’s clunky at moments, but it was really a good time. Enjoy.